Digital Transformation

Originally used for converting analogue information into digital form, the term “Digital Transformation” has moved on and is now more widely used when referring to a process that aims to improve an entity by triggering significant changes to its properties through combinations of information, computing, communication, and connectivity technologies.

“Moving to the cloud” has huge benefits but for several years has struck fear into the boardroom of many companies, however the recent covid pandemic has forced the hand of organisations to investigate and embrace those technological advances, resulting in many cases to advances in working practices and ultimately profitability.

Process automation and information management are probably the main two factors that result from good digital transformation projects, replacing paper and pen, databases and spreadsheets (they all still have their place) with joined up CRM, ERP, MRP and linked accounting software.

Do you know what you need, to streamline everything, so there are no duplicates or mistakes. Automation saves time, frustration and ultimately money; we know, let us help.